Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our Big Top Adventure

The circus came to town today, so I left work early, picked up the kids, and went to see what all the excitement was about.  Clara's friend, Emma, joined us.  The girls were very excited and hopeful to see an elephant, specifically a baby elephant.  Clara and Emma sat with Jared while I walked around with Charlie. 

We saw ponies with pink manes,

a zebra,

sheep dogs in a tunnel slide, and

roller skate dancers.

There was lots of dancing in the stands.

At intermission, the girls rode ponies.

Then, for the grand finale, the most anticipated guest took the stage.

Even though we didn't see a baby elephant, the girls had a blast.

As for Charlie, in spite of the loud music and cheering fans, he fell asleep and missed most of it.  Maybe next year, buddy!

1 comment:

  1. Totally precious moments!!! Love it!!! You guys are sooooo lucky. Love ya all
