Sunday, September 23, 2012

Story Time with Clara

The following story is rated PG for some adult language. To the best of my knowledge, all characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Clara: Leah has a mom, and her name is Halloweah. She has a dad and his name is Halloweenie-beast.
Me: Halloweenie-beast?
Clara: Yup.
Me: What did their family do?
Clara: Her family does, she spits. And she says, "stupid" and "dammit."
Me: That's not ok to say, is it?
Clara: She says that.
Me: They must have different rules than we do.
Clara: Yup.
Me: What else does her family do?
Clara: Um, my family and my friends, and I have another friend whose name is, um, Charliveeliva.
Me: Charliveeliva? What does Charliveliva do?
Clara: She has blue hair and red eyes.
Me: Is she scary or is she nice?
Clara: She's nice. She does bad things.
Me: Like what?
Clara: She has trees in her mouth.
Me: She has trees in her mouth?
Clara: That's a bad thing. And when I go to her house, she hit me, on the cheek.
Me: What did you do about that?
Clara: I telled her to stop hitting me in the cheek. She hit me right here.
Me: Did it hurt?
Clara: Yeah, but it goes away. Mom, I want to take a picture.
Me: Are you done with your story?
Clara: Yup.

The End.


  1. I just laughed out loud at work while reading this! I can't see the video but I look forward to watching it at home tonight. What an imagination!

  2. You guys are in for a real ride with this little cutie! Love ya, Larry

  3. Holy Cow! Can I get her autograph now before she is a famous author and I have to pay for it? And the D....word...parents around here say that their children would never hear words like that at home and that they must have heard it on the bus!!! Clara doesn't ride the bus....does she?

  4. This is impressive - What an imagination! They must have different rules ... Ha!
