Thursday, March 8, 2012

B-A-T-H Time

On bath night, Charlie and Clara usually take baths together, which was initially Clara's idea but actually saves some time in the end.  At the dinner table last night, Jared asked me if it was "B-A-T-H night," spelling the crucial word so as not to get anyone too excited.  To our surprise, Clara promptly replied, "I want to take a tubby."  Not sure if she actually knew what we were talking about, I asked Clara what B-A-T-H spelled.  She replied, "tubby."  Great, what other secrets does she know about?

Charlie is usually pretty quietly in the tub.  He keeps one eye on Clara and one eye on me as we wash him up.  An expression that silently says, "Get me out of here" is not uncommon from Charlie during bath time.  It looks something like this:

or this:

But last night, Charlie discovered that bath time is fun time.  Clara thought it was hilarious, and I actually ended up pretty wet!

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