Sunday, January 13, 2013

Christmas and the New Year

We had a wonderfully exhausting Christmas in Michigan and a quiet start to the New Year at home.  Here are some of the highlights:

1. We decorated cookies;
2. Opened presents;
3. Visited a walk-in clinic with Charlie for an ear infection;
4. Set out milk and cookies for Santa and hung the stockings by the chimney;
5. Opened presents;
6. Made snow angles and played on the snow mountain, snow fort, and sledding track at Grandma and Grandpa Carlson's;
7. Opened presents;
8. Played with cousins;
9. Opened presents;
10. Visited a second walk-in clinic with Clara for fever and vomiting;
11. Drove home on New Year's Eve;
12. Stayed up to 10:30 on New Year's Eve!
13. Celebrated New Year's Day playing in the snow.

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