Tuesday, August 2, 2011


We have paint on the walls and a finished floor in our new basement room!  My belly is expanding as I start the third trimester, yikes!  But, what I'm most excited about is this:

Not the fact that Clara was so willing to help Jared finish the floor, not the fact that it's obvious that she likes to pick out her own clothes, and not the fact that those outlets are now functional and covered.  It's what's just below that crack in the surface - underwear!  Last Thursday, Clara decided she was ready to wear big girl underwear to school.  I was hesitant to put such a burden on her teachers, but they were more than willing to give it a try.  You can imagine my surprise when I picked her up that afternoon and she was still wearing the same clothes and same dry underwear that she put on that morning!  She had two accidents on Friday, but was dry all day yesterday.  Now that's progress.

P.S. Who knew they had a mini-potty in the family restroom at Sam's Club?!  Irresistible.

1 comment:

  1. That potty is super and Clara is darling on the mini-potty! Wow, so cool. Oh yea, I like the new room too! Love the baby boy Ward bump too! love, GW
