Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our Big Top Adventure

The circus came to town today, so I left work early, picked up the kids, and went to see what all the excitement was about.  Clara's friend, Emma, joined us.  The girls were very excited and hopeful to see an elephant, specifically a baby elephant.  Clara and Emma sat with Jared while I walked around with Charlie. 

We saw ponies with pink manes,

a zebra,

sheep dogs in a tunnel slide, and

roller skate dancers.

There was lots of dancing in the stands.

At intermission, the girls rode ponies.

Then, for the grand finale, the most anticipated guest took the stage.

Even though we didn't see a baby elephant, the girls had a blast.

As for Charlie, in spite of the loud music and cheering fans, he fell asleep and missed most of it.  Maybe next year, buddy!

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Monday, March 26, 2012

Hello and Goodbye, Summer

We had an unfair tease of summer last week.  We had record-setting temperatures in the 70s and 80s all week with bright sunny skies.  Fridays are Jared's day to cook dinner, and last Friday we had dinner on the campfire to take full advantage of the weather.

Mmmm...strawberries, hot dogs, and lemonade!

We had s'mores for dessert, of course.  

Clara still needs some practice roasting marshmallows.

Is that still smoldering? 

Charlie also had his first taste of solid food - dirt and grass.  Yum!

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

B-A-T-H Time

On bath night, Charlie and Clara usually take baths together, which was initially Clara's idea but actually saves some time in the end.  At the dinner table last night, Jared asked me if it was "B-A-T-H night," spelling the crucial word so as not to get anyone too excited.  To our surprise, Clara promptly replied, "I want to take a tubby."  Not sure if she actually knew what we were talking about, I asked Clara what B-A-T-H spelled.  She replied, "tubby."  Great, what other secrets does she know about?

Charlie is usually pretty quietly in the tub.  He keeps one eye on Clara and one eye on me as we wash him up.  An expression that silently says, "Get me out of here" is not uncommon from Charlie during bath time.  It looks something like this:

or this:

But last night, Charlie discovered that bath time is fun time.  Clara thought it was hilarious, and I actually ended up pretty wet!

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Namesake

Three weeks ago, my mom made a welcome, short-notice visit to help me through my last week before returning to work full-time.  Clara was so excited to have her here, she could hardly sleep.  We went to Krazy Kids indoor playground, went shopping, and had a pajama picnic on the living room floor.  

On the last night of her visit, my dad called with news that my grandma passed away at 96.  Grandma Carlson was my namesake, and her maiden name, Eicher, is Charlie's middle name.  She always lived very close - across the street for most of my life.  I spent every morning before afternoon kindergarten and many sick days in her care at the house she shared with Grandpa.  My return to work was gladly delayed and our time with mom was gladly extended as we spent some time in Michigan to celebrate Grandma's life.  Grandma and Grandpa Carlson had a wonderful love story, and we're comforted that they are together again, but she will be greatly missed.

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