Wednesday, August 5, 2015


It was a typical Thursday afternoon.  I was a few minutes late leaving work to meet Jared and the kids at the restaurant.  When I finally got there, I couldn't find them anywhere.  I was about to call to see where they were sitting when I found them.  They were sitting at the big table in the corner with my sister, niece, nephew, and mom.  Surprise!  I had no idea they were coming all the way from Michigan to help celebrate Clara's sixth birthday.  We had an awesome weekend.

I had Friday off from work and spent the day at the planetarium with Clara for her kindergarten field trip.  On Saturday, we watched Clara's last t-ball game then had a backyard movie party for Clara's birthday.  I was so lucky to have such great help getting ready for the party, and Clara and Charlie were so excited to have their cousins stay at our house.  It was a pretty special weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I love Katy's reaction when she hugs Jenny!!! Looks like it was a wonderful party!
