Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Summer Vacation 2015

The kids, Elsi, and I left home as soon as we could get away Friday afternoon.  Clara and Charlie watched movies in the backseat while I maintained our westerly heading.  Clara broke the monotony when she made masking tape mustaches for us somewhere around Flint.  We arrived at my parents' house on Saturday afternoon and stretched our legs at Alpenfest.  We reached our final destination, Baldy Lake, on Sunday, and it was glorious.  Jenny, Ella, Owen and my parents joined us Sunday afternoon.  The kids jumped right in the lake and only dried off to eat or sleep.  They must have swum for miles.  We were sad to see Jenny, Ella, and Owen leave mid-week, but excited that Jared and Grandma and Grandpa Ward were arriving soon.  Even though the fishing was the worst in 47 years, we may have had the best stretch of weather and we definitely had an amazing week.

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