Monday, August 31, 2015

West Rattlesnake Mountain

We had an awesome day hiking to the top of West Rattlesnake Mountain yesterday with our very good friends, Amy and Jay and their kids, Anna and Jack.  All four kids (and adults) successfully hiked the two-mile round trip.  We were rewarded with amazing views of Squam Lake from the summit.  We didn't miss the opportunity to cool off in the lake before heading home.

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First Day of School

Clara was so excited for her first day of first grade last Wednesday.  We visited her classroom the day before, and her teacher gave her some "jitter glitter" to ease the first-day-of-school jitters.  Clara sprinkled it on her freshly-washed head the night before and swore it did the trick.  

Charlie moved up to pre-k two weeks ago.  He was supposed to spend a week transitioning from preschool to the pre-k classroom, but his teachers said he was ready the first day. He never looked back and has been having so much fun in his new room.

Wow, how they've grown since last year!!

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

New Bikes

Clara and Charlie recently outgrew their bikes, so we upgraded.  Last weekend, I took them on a rail trail bike path.  There was even an old railcar parked at the depot where the trail started.  We biked four miles without a skinned knee.  We even saved a turtle crossing the path.  I call that a successful trip! 

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Summer Vacation 2015

The kids, Elsi, and I left home as soon as we could get away Friday afternoon.  Clara and Charlie watched movies in the backseat while I maintained our westerly heading.  Clara broke the monotony when she made masking tape mustaches for us somewhere around Flint.  We arrived at my parents' house on Saturday afternoon and stretched our legs at Alpenfest.  We reached our final destination, Baldy Lake, on Sunday, and it was glorious.  Jenny, Ella, Owen and my parents joined us Sunday afternoon.  The kids jumped right in the lake and only dried off to eat or sleep.  They must have swum for miles.  We were sad to see Jenny, Ella, and Owen leave mid-week, but excited that Jared and Grandma and Grandpa Ward were arriving soon.  Even though the fishing was the worst in 47 years, we may have had the best stretch of weather and we definitely had an amazing week.

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Fourth of July

We had so much fun camping Father's Day weekend that we booked another boat-in campsite on Umbagog Lake for Fourth of July weekend.  We arrived just in time to catch the sunset Friday night.

This was Charlie's first stop after the boat was unloaded (can't beat the view):

We enjoyed an eggs and bacon breakfast picnic in the boat!

We had a visit from some good friends!  

Fishing with tongs?

Clara caught a nice bass all by herself (on a fishing pole, not with tongs)!

Clara and Charlie found a good way to occupy themselves while Daddy loaded the boat to go home.  That sure was a strong little tree.

We have plans to return here over Labor Day weekend.  Anyone interested in joining us?

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Camping on Squam Lake

We spent Father's Day weekend camping on Bowman Island in Squam Lake.  Our campsite was only accessible by boat, and we were excited to spend the weekend away.  Sunset rock provided the perfect dinner table and fishing platform.  Our good friends joined us for a night, and Jay caught the only picture-worthy fish.    

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015


It was a typical Thursday afternoon.  I was a few minutes late leaving work to meet Jared and the kids at the restaurant.  When I finally got there, I couldn't find them anywhere.  I was about to call to see where they were sitting when I found them.  They were sitting at the big table in the corner with my sister, niece, nephew, and mom.  Surprise!  I had no idea they were coming all the way from Michigan to help celebrate Clara's sixth birthday.  We had an awesome weekend.

I had Friday off from work and spent the day at the planetarium with Clara for her kindergarten field trip.  On Saturday, we watched Clara's last t-ball game then had a backyard movie party for Clara's birthday.  I was so lucky to have such great help getting ready for the party, and Clara and Charlie were so excited to have their cousins stay at our house.  It was a pretty special weekend.

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