Thursday, August 1, 2013


We had an awesome vacation this year.  We drove to Jared's parents' house to celebrate the Forth of July with a quick stop on the way in Ohio to visit with Ian, Barb, Chase, Great-Grandma, Great-Grandpa, and Aunt Cindy.  Jared and I even snuck away for a night to a wedding in Chicago, where we caught up with old friends.  After visiting the big city, we were more than ready to relax at Baldy Lake with Grandma and Grandpa Carlson, Aunt Jenny, Ella, and Owen.  We enjoyed perfect weather, lots of mosquitoes, a treasure hunt, a midnight ER visit (for Charlie who refused to sleep, but docs couldn't find anything wrong), lots of swimming, successful fishing, craft projects, American Girl dolls, Jeep rides, squirt guns, and boat rides.  I'm already looking forward to the next visit.


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