Monday, July 15, 2013

Rough Seas!

We have had a very busy summer!  At the end of June, Grandma and Grandpa Carlson came for a visit.  Jared and Grandpa reserved a spot on a chartered boat to go striped bass fishing off the coast of Massachusetts.  They attempted the same trip last year, but their trip was cancelled due to bad weather.  This year they managed to get out, but had rough seas and not much luck with the fish.  Oh well, maybe next year...  

While the guys were away, Grandma, the kids and I picked our way through the strawberry patch and prepared for Clara's birthday party the next day.  Party day started off with a sick birthday girl.  We almost cancelled everything, but Clara rallied for a few hours to enjoy the kid's pool before she slept the afternoon away.  Oh well, maybe next year...      

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