Monday, May 16, 2011

Small Victories

Clara transitioned from a Mini to a Toddler at daycare during these past two weeks.  Potty time is a big deal in the Toddler room and Clara wasted no time fitting in.  Clara peed in the potty for the first time last Monday!  Then she peed in the potty every day for the rest of the week!  Once on Monday and Tuesday, twice on Wednesday and Thursday, and a whopping four times on Friday!!   We are very excited for her.  She kept up the trend this weekend by peeing in the potty for the first time at home.  I realize that it is common for this to happen followed by a demonstration of independence that includes a refusal to use the potty, but at least we're making progress!  Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Wait a minute - posting without pictures!?!?

    I want potty pics - hahahahaha
