Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Artist or Musician?

Clara's school participated in the Concord Area Kid's Art Show these past two weeks.  Students from the area displayed their art in the windows of downtown stores.  Clara created a fine masterpiece that was displayed among several others.  Can you pick hers out?

Ok, I guess it's not that difficult, because it's the best one in the window!

Clara also recently discovered a possible future in the music industry.  Jared dusted off the ole trumpet one night and passed it around.

Ok, maybe she has a long way to go before she's the next Louis Armstrong, but she's got promise.  By the way, we've pretty much ruled out a future as a hair stylist.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Oh the sound of music in a house is wonderful! Well, the sound of something! And has Mommy considered a new future? hahahaha
