Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Splashing in the mud

Three to five inches of wet snow were forecast for last Friday, and we ended up with at least 10 or 11 inches.  Then, two to five inches were forecast for last Sunday, and we ended up with at least five or six inches.  The snow made everything pretty again, but poor Jared is tired of snowblowing!  Yesterday, we saw sleet, freezing rain, and rain.  It was a nasty day, but Clara took advantage of the puddles in the parking lot at daycare with her friend, Emma.

The fun ended when Clara fell flat on her belly in a large, cold, wet puddle!  
The sun was out this morning, and Clara was all smiles!


  1. Oh swell - and I spend my recess time telling the kids to stay out of the water! At least these parents won't be calling the school and asking why we don't keep their children dry! RIGHT?!!!! love Grandma Ward

  2. I love you Clara and Miss Hollywood! with all my hugs and all my kisses and all my heart! love Grandma Ward
