Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Night Out

We went to our favorite local Mexican restaurant last week in Concord.  As always, we enjoyed some chips and salsa before our meal arrived.  Clara likes to use the chips only as a means of getting the salsa to her mouth where she sucks it off the chip and throws the chip away.  She practiced this method for a while, but apparently, it wasn't very efficient.  Soon enough she just picked up the salsa cup and drank it.  Three cups later, our dinner arrived.  I know what you're thinking, you feel sorry for whoever has to change her diaper.  Surprisingly, the three cups of salsa didn't seem to affect her digestive system at all!  Phew!  Clara helped me finish my meal and we all left full and happy!  

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Monday, March 7, 2011

A Hike through the Forest

Or should I title this post, "What was I Thinking?"  Since Jared was out of town last weekend, the girls decided to take a hike through Fox Forest in Hillsborough.  Fox Forest is a popular hiking and snowshoeing spot that is pretty accessible with relatively easy trails.  This is how we started the hike:

It was a relatively warm morning with a bit of drizzle, but not enough to keep us home.  The trail appeared to be pretty well packed so I laced up my boots, donned my ice creepers, heaved Clara onto my back and we headed into the woods.  We heard the birds singing, the brook babbling, and then we heard this:

I wasn't really sure what caused the outburst, but in the middle of the trail, not even a mile in, the peaceful still air was shattered.  "No, Mama!"  We stopped, had a drink of water and a snack.  Then a certain two legged being wanted me to carry her back to the car - without the backpack.  Normally, Clara is so excited to jump in the backpack, she can hardly stand it.  Despite the cries of protest, she stuffed her legs into the backpack and we turned around.  I'm not sure what happened in those few minutes that we stopped, but all of a sudden the trail was mush.  After I post-holed to my thigh a few times while singing "Pat-a-Cake," the peace returned:

This time, peace came in the form of snoring.  Looking back, I think the combination of the mittens (blocking the coveted sucking thumb) and the hat (blocking the coveted twirling hair spot) really caused a problem.  Even though it was 10:00 in the morning, not really Clara's prime napping time, there was no stopping her.  We made it safely back to the car where we had more snacks, loaded up, and headed home.  Clara took a three-hour nap later that afternoon.  Thank goodness, because Elsi and I were wiped out!     
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Splashing in the mud

Three to five inches of wet snow were forecast for last Friday, and we ended up with at least 10 or 11 inches.  Then, two to five inches were forecast for last Sunday, and we ended up with at least five or six inches.  The snow made everything pretty again, but poor Jared is tired of snowblowing!  Yesterday, we saw sleet, freezing rain, and rain.  It was a nasty day, but Clara took advantage of the puddles in the parking lot at daycare with her friend, Emma.

The fun ended when Clara fell flat on her belly in a large, cold, wet puddle!  
The sun was out this morning, and Clara was all smiles!

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