Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow, finally!

It has been a dry, boring winter in the Northeast so far.  We missed the Christmas week blizzard (and thaw) while we were visiting family in Michigan, so we were excited to see snow in the forecast.  Yesterday, we got about 20 inches of snow in just over 12 hours.  I had to work at least part of the day, so Clara spent some one-on-one time with her teachers at daycare.  

Jared had the driveway all cleared out by the time we got home and was working on a path to the wood pile.  His famous last words, "Do you think I can just bust through there to pull out the trailer?"   I thought, "Of course, the snowblower should make it through there, give it a shot."  What Jared meant was...

I should have known!  The good ole Trailblazer pulled him out and the snowblower finished the job.   

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Clara looks excited. Thank goodness for Katy or Jared would still be stuck! haha love, Grandma Ward
