Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy Birthday to Us

Sunday was my birthday and Clara decided to try out her snowshoes.  She gave a good effort, but it didn't last long.  Maybe next year.

First attempt:

Second (and final) attempt:

Earlier in the week, Clara came home singing "Happy Birthday," or at least "Happy to you," which is her version of the song.  What perfect timing.     

On Wednesday, we enjoyed a nice dinner out for Jared's birthday.  Clara liked to watch the fish swim in the tank at the restaurant.  Another year gone! 

1 comment:

  1. Too bad Grandma Ward had to buy her granddaughter something that made her so exasperated! Oh well, practice, practice, practice. That is if she ever lets anyone put them on her again. I loved the "Happy Birthday" renditon. love, Grandma Ward
