Monday, August 18, 2014

A Hunter's Tale

During vacation, Jared started telling Charlie hunting stories to try to settle him down at night.  It didn't always work, but now Charlie has a story of his own.  

Once upon a time...



There was a deer hunter named Jared.  So, the deer hunter named Jared got out of his bed and got his camouflage on and was waiting down by the garage door. And, the friend named Katy got her camouflage clothes on.  And, they drove to the hunting spot with Jared's pickup, and they got out of the pickup truck, and they got in the hunting spot.  They looked that way [turning head from left to right] and that way, that way, that way, and that way, and that way, and that way, and they looked some more. And then, they heared crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunchy, crunchy, and they saw deer walking by the huntin' blind.  And, the hunter named Jared put his gun up then got the deer.  And, the hunter named Jared put it in his truck and drove to the hunting spot and drove home.  They ate it for their dinner.

The End


  1. This is totally precious....I love it! He even remembered to go back to the hunting spot....probably to get his stuff.....before he went home to eat the deer!

  2. Awesome. I bet Jared's stories are about as hilarious...
