Friday, August 29, 2014

First Day of School

Wednesday was the first day of kindergarten for Clara and the first day of preschool for Charlie.  Not counting Tuesday night when Clara cried herself to sleep screaming, "I don't want to go to kindergarten, I don't want to go to kindergarten...," they were both very excited to start school.  I know that because Wednesday morning in the car on the way to school, Clara admitted she was just tired the night before, and she was really excited to go.  {Phew!}  Charlie didn't offer much of an opinion either way.  I took that as a sign of excitement.  Clara has since reported that her favorite part of kindergarten is recess, Mrs. Flaherty is the best teacher she has ever had, and she already learned that one class rule is to be nice to her friends when they get hurt.  I know Charlie likes his new school because they have bikes on the playground and one of the bikes has a trailer!  What could be better?!  

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Monday, August 18, 2014

A Hunter's Tale

During vacation, Jared started telling Charlie hunting stories to try to settle him down at night.  It didn't always work, but now Charlie has a story of his own.  

Once upon a time...



There was a deer hunter named Jared.  So, the deer hunter named Jared got out of his bed and got his camouflage on and was waiting down by the garage door. And, the friend named Katy got her camouflage clothes on.  And, they drove to the hunting spot with Jared's pickup, and they got out of the pickup truck, and they got in the hunting spot.  They looked that way [turning head from left to right] and that way, that way, that way, and that way, and that way, and that way, and they looked some more. And then, they heared crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunchy, crunchy, and they saw deer walking by the huntin' blind.  And, the hunter named Jared put his gun up then got the deer.  And, the hunter named Jared put it in his truck and drove to the hunting spot and drove home.  They ate it for their dinner.

The End
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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Vacation Ends

The day after we arrived at Baldy Lake, Clara lost her first tooth!  Luckily, the tooth fairy knew how to find us.  She left a gold dollar for Clara.   We spent the rest of the week splashing and floating in the water, picking (or eating) bushels of blueberries, treasure hunting, fishing (but not catching), and relaxing.  What a great vacation!

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Vacation Starts

We spent the first part of our summer vacation in Ohio with the Ward family.  We spent a day getting dirty at the Mud Ninja obstacle race.  It was a family event, but the kids were not interested in hugging, or even high fiving, when we crossed the finish line.  The rest of the weekend was full of wrestling, snuggling, and rest.

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