Monday, June 30, 2014

A Good Day Fishing... better than any day in the office.  I took a day off to go fishing with my two favorite men - my dad and Jared.  We chartered a boat and went striped bass fishing near Cuttyhunk Island off the coast of South Dartmouth, Massachusetts.  This is the third year that my dad has attempted this trip with Jared.  Their first year, they didn't even go on the boat because the weather was so terrible.  The second year - another storm.  Trying to make up for the previous year, they went out on the boat anyway, but probably should have stayed at the docks.  The waves were impressive, but the fishing was not.  This year, I went along too, and we couldn't have had a better day.  Everyone contributed to the haul, which overflowed the coolers.  Third time's a charm!


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