Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Fortress

Last summer, Jared and I thought it was about time to build the kids a swing set.  A couple swings in the yard to occupy them during nice weather couldn't be that difficult.  We ran out of time last year to build it, so we thought about it all winter and started the project in early May as soon as the weather allowed.  Well, that winter spent planning was dangerous...  

We live on the side of a hill, and we don't really have a safe, level area for swings.  So, naturally, we made one.


And so construction began.  A couple swings turned into three swings, a slide, a tower, a sandbox, a climbing wall, a ladder, and a reclaimed brick race track, with plans to expand with monkey bars.  The newly created flat, level area turned into a mud pit, which required landscape timbers and several loads of playground wood chips.  

Needless to say, the kids (and adults) love it and have spent every dry evening and weekend playing and picnicking on it.  Many thanks to all the donations for Christmas and birthday gifts!!  I guess the extra planning time paid off.       


  1. Wow looks awesome! I am coming over to your house to play!

  2. So, where does Charlie park his excavator?!!!! Hahahaha!
