Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Vacation - Part 1

We spent the first part of June on vacation in Chicago at Alex and Karin's wedding.  Jared was a groomsman and Clara was the flower girl.  Clara was very excited for her big part in the wedding.  She did a great job during rehearsal.

On the big day, Clara looked like a princess and couldn't wait for the ceremony to start.

But, when it came time to walk down the aisle, she chickened out and made me carry her.  While carrying her, I dropped some flower petals from her basket.  She yelled, "No," then ran back to pick them up.  Everyone laughed, so I guess it wasn't a total disaster.  

Charlie napped during the ceremony and was ready to party at the reception.  There was even a highchair at our dinner table just for Charlie.

As soon as the speeches were over and Clara got a few bites to eat, she was off to the dance floor.  She danced, and danced, and danced!

Charlie, on the other hand, couldn't stand all the excitement for too long.

Charlie, my parents, and I took the first bus back to the hotel.  Jared and Clara came on the next bus at nearly 11:00 p.m. CST (nearly midnight 'our time')!  

1 comment:

  1. Total party animal that Clara Lee! What a great time we all had. So special! Love it love it love it.
