Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Birthday Week

Last week was birthday week.  Monday was my birthday, Tuesday was Grandma Carlson's birthday, and Thursday was Jared's birthday.  Clara sang "Happy Birthday To You" all week.  On Monday, Clara made a project for Jared.  It was beautiful with paint, beads, glitter, buttons, and ribbon-just what he wanted.

Then, Jared and Clara surprised me by making cupcakes together.  Clara was in charge of putting the papers in the muffin pan and cracking the eggs.  She did very well with the eggs, but wasn't too excited about the goo that was on her hands.

On Wednesday, Clara and I made cookies for Jared's birthday.  Thursday afternoon, I wrapped Jared's brithday present and left it in the middle of the kitchen table.  Later that night, I went downstairs to bring up a load of wood.  When I came back up, Clara had unwrapped the present and left the torn wrapping paper all over the kitchen floor.  I guess she wasn't too excited about the saw that was inside.  I managed to patch it together before Jared got home so Clara could help him unwrap it again.


We had a great week!

1 comment:

  1. You guys have soooo much fun!! I love hearing about it! love, Grandma Ward
