Thursday, December 8, 2011

'Tis the Season

Last weekend, we got into the Christmas spirit by visiting Santa on Friday and getting our Christmas tree on Sunday.  Santa was downtown Concord Friday night. Clara was excited to meet him, but when it came time to be face to face, she chickened out and I had to go with her.  Santa was very nice and asked Clara what she wanted for Christmas.  She replied, "Baby dolls."  Then Santa asked what color hair the baby dolls should have.  Clara replied, "Pink."  I hope Santa's elves make dolls with pink hair!

On Sunday, we visited the local tree farm and searched far and wide for the perfect tree.  When we finally agreed on one, Clara helped Jared cut it down and drag it to the car.

Charlie is clearly excited for Christmas this year.  This is what he had to say about all the festive decorations.  We love his new expressions!


  1. Total Cuteness! I give him a 10 + 10!

  2. Good thing you have more than one stroller! Look at that little boy laugh, love Grandma Ward
