Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I just realized it's been over two weeks since we've been home from vacation, and I'm just getting caught up on my posts.  We had a great summer vacation to Michigan and Ohio to visit friends and family and, as always, wish it could have lasted longer.  Here are some of the highlights.

We visited old friends with new babies:

We spent a few nights with Clara's cousins, Ella and Owen, and had fun at the water park.

Ella and Owen joined us for a few nights at Grandma and Grandpa Carlson's house.  Clara helped Grandpa Carlson mow the lawn and Mommy learn to sew.

Wherever Ella was, Clara wasn't far behind.  She really looks up to her cousin.

We had a blast at the Discovery Center.

Then we spent a couple nights with Grandma and Grandpa Ward.  We went to the beach, read books, visited their Children's Museum, and had fun re-designing the water fountain.

Just before we drove home, we spent a night in Columbus to meet Clara's new cousin, Baby Chase.  She adored the little guy and was very gentle.

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