Thursday, June 30, 2011

S'mores and Strawberries!

We had some cool weather last week, which was just right for a cozy fire in the fireplace.  Of course, you can't have a fire in the fireplace without s'mores!  Clara tried her first s'more, which was perfect timing for our camping trip next weekend.  Clara ate the first couple bites, but then just picked out and ate the chocolate and marshmallows.  Who put those graham crackers in there, anyway?

On Sunday, we washed the cars and and took the Jeep to go strawberry picking.  Clara diligently picked out the best strawberries and added them to our basket.  When our basket was full and it was time to leave, I asked Clara if she wanted to eat just one, she got a big smile on her face and nodded her head yes.  There's nothing better than ripe strawberries right from the vine.  Clara soon caught on and "just one" turned into quite a few on the way out.  The strawberry juice stains down her chin and on her hands might have given her away.  We picked a ton of strawberries and made strawberry jam, strawberry muffins, and strawberry scones, which we are looking forward to eating for breakfast next weekend while we're camping.

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