Thursday, June 30, 2011

S'mores and Strawberries!

We had some cool weather last week, which was just right for a cozy fire in the fireplace.  Of course, you can't have a fire in the fireplace without s'mores!  Clara tried her first s'more, which was perfect timing for our camping trip next weekend.  Clara ate the first couple bites, but then just picked out and ate the chocolate and marshmallows.  Who put those graham crackers in there, anyway?

On Sunday, we washed the cars and and took the Jeep to go strawberry picking.  Clara diligently picked out the best strawberries and added them to our basket.  When our basket was full and it was time to leave, I asked Clara if she wanted to eat just one, she got a big smile on her face and nodded her head yes.  There's nothing better than ripe strawberries right from the vine.  Clara soon caught on and "just one" turned into quite a few on the way out.  The strawberry juice stains down her chin and on her hands might have given her away.  We picked a ton of strawberries and made strawberry jam, strawberry muffins, and strawberry scones, which we are looking forward to eating for breakfast next weekend while we're camping.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's a Boy!

We just confirmed that we're having a boy this October.  We are very excited to have one of each!  Here are some pictures of his cute little face and a wave.

With the baby on the way, Jared has been busy with some renovations at our house.  We are moving Jared's office to a brand new room in the basement with plans to finish his former office, which doubles as the dining room, as the baby's room.  With some expert help from my dad last week, there was some amazing progress on the basement room.  In one day, they went from a cleared, empty area to a room with four studded walls.  By the end of the week, all the walls were insulated, the electrical was installed, the door was framed, and 90% of the drywall was up.  Construction progressed so fast, I hardly had time for pictures, but here are a couple from last week.  As always, Clara was eager to help.    

Mud and tape are next.  Then we need to make some decisions about the floor and ceiling.  It will be a nice little office and guest room!
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Monday, June 20, 2011

Clara's Birthday

The night before Clara's birthday, we filled her room with balloons while she slept.  We knew she was surprised in the morning because she woke up screaming - in a "get me out of here, I'm scared" sort of way.  Once she realized what was happening, she was more than thrilled to have a room full of balloons.  She spent the day playing hooky from daycare with my parents at the children's museum.  I was even able to meet them for a picnic lunch.  I think she had a great day.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Clara's Birthday Party

We had a great time at Clara's second birthday party last weekend.  It rained all day long, so our picnic moved inside.  After a nice lunch, Clara had her own picnic-themed cake complete with candy hot dogs and a candy hamburger.  The adults enjoyed some ladybug and bumblebee cake pops that actually turned out pretty cute thanks to a bunch of help from my parents.  We also had homemade ice cream (courtesy of our great friend, Jay), s'more bars, and frozen chocolate-covered bananas for dessert.  We are so lucky to have such great friends to share the day with us.  Enjoy the pictures. 

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Party Weekend

Two of Clara's best friends celebrated birthdays last weekend.  Anna turned two and Charlotte turned one.  The weather was perfect for the parties.  On Saturday, Clara enjoyed being naked in the pool with ducks and eating the frosting off the cupcakes at Anna's house.

We spent Sunday at Charlotte's on the lake.  The lake water is still a little too cold, so Clara stuck to the warm hot tub.  I know, naked again.  She eventually wore her bathing suit, but she couldn't wait long enough for us to put it on before she got wet.  

And, more cake...

Next weekend, it's Clara's turn.  I'll have updates on her birthday party next week.

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Still Going...

On the potty that is.  We haven't quite upgraded to pull-ups or big girl underwear yet, but we are definitely making progress.  Clara even "did poop" in the potty a couple times.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that the trend will continue!
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