Thursday, December 8, 2011

'Tis the Season

Last weekend, we got into the Christmas spirit by visiting Santa on Friday and getting our Christmas tree on Sunday.  Santa was downtown Concord Friday night. Clara was excited to meet him, but when it came time to be face to face, she chickened out and I had to go with her.  Santa was very nice and asked Clara what she wanted for Christmas.  She replied, "Baby dolls."  Then Santa asked what color hair the baby dolls should have.  Clara replied, "Pink."  I hope Santa's elves make dolls with pink hair!

On Sunday, we visited the local tree farm and searched far and wide for the perfect tree.  When we finally agreed on one, Clara helped Jared cut it down and drag it to the car.

Charlie is clearly excited for Christmas this year.  This is what he had to say about all the festive decorations.  We love his new expressions!

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Many Thanks!

We have so many things to be thankful for this year.  We were especially thankful to share the Thanksgiving weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Ward, Uncle Alex and Aunt Karin.

We woke up bright and early on Friday to make it to Walmart by 10:30 for some Black Friday deals.  Despite our late departure, we still got a good deal on a home theater receiver.

Friday afternoon, we watched Clara try her snowshoes for the first time this season.  She was a pro.

After snowshoeing, Clara and Grandma gave Charlie his first bottle.  He took it like a champ and will be ready for daycare in February.

We're looking forward to Christmas in Michigan with family!
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

What We've Been Doing

Clara goes to daycare two days a week and spends the rest of her time with Charlie and me.  We've tried to keep busy doing some activities just for Clara.  Here's what Clara has been up to these past few weeks.

Spending time at the playground...

Practicing her photography skills...


Hunting (unsuccessfully) for pheasant...

 Wasting some energy at the gymnasics club...

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Halloween - Take 2

Many towns postponed trick-or-treating because of the freak snow storm that knocked out power to many residents.  So, the week after Halloween, we went trick-or-treating for a second time with Clara's friend, Anna.  Clara was excited to dress up as Tinkerbell again and hang out with Rapunzel.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Two Weeks

Charlie is 18 days old today, but who's counting.  He had his first doctor's appointment yesterday morning.  He weighed nine pounds and measured 21-3/8 inches, which means he gained one pound and seven ounces and grew 3/8 of an inch since we left the hospital.  He's a pretty good sleeper and we're all thankful!


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Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Clara had a costume parade at daycare yesterday.  All the little ones were so cute in their costumes.  Clara was the perfect Tinkerbell. 

Charlie was a pumpkin wearing the pumpkin hat from the hospital with an orange shirt and green pants.  He slept through the parade and trick-or-treating. 

After the daycare party, we went trick-or-treating with our neighbors.  Jared and I thought Clara might last a couple houses and we'd be off the hook, but once she realized what trick-or-treating was all about, we were in for the long haul.  Clara was running from house to house.  It took all we had to keep up with her.  

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Let it Snow!

Last Saturday, we got our first taste of winter.  A freak storm made its way up the east coast and dumped about 20 inches of snow at our house.  We lost power for about three hours on Saturday night, but many in New Hampshire are still without power.  We made the most of it and had some fun playing in the powder on Sunday.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Charlie Eicher Ward

Charlie arrived on Friday, October 21, 2011 at 9:35 pm weighing 7 pounds, 12 ounces, 21 inches long with a full head of hair.  Here's the story...

My parents arrived at our house on Thursday evening for their planned visit to await Charlie's arrival.  We were at the Urgent Care Clinic with Clara when they got here because Clara was on day three of a nasty fever.  After two and a half hours with the doctor, they eliminated a urinary tract infection and pneumonia and concluded that Clara "has a fever."  After a dose of Tylenol and Ibuprofen, she was feeling much better and we went home.

Thursday night at about 11:30, I woke up feeling contractions about 10 minutes apart.  I woke Jared up at about 1 am and we packed our bags.  Jared went back to sleep, but I couldn't.  At about 4 am, the contractions were about five minutes apart and I called my doctor.  She told me to go back to sleep and wait until the contractions were more intense and closer together.  At 6 am, I got up, took a shower, and the contractions slowed way down.  They were back to ten minutes apart and not very intense.  I spent the day at home getting ready for the baby to arrive.  I dug out the infant car seat and washed it, did some laundry, and wrapped up some things at work.  

Friday afternoon, we realized that we still hadn't picked out a name for the baby so after some internet searching, we agreed on Charlie Eicher Ward.  Eicher (EYE-ker) is his Great-Grandma Carlson's maiden name, and he shares the middle initial E with his Grandpa Carlson and Great-Grandpa Carlson.  Now that he had a name, we hoped he would feel welcome to arrive.  

Contractions were increasing in intensity and becoming closer together, but we decided to seal the deal and went to Margarita's for dinner.  It worked with Clara so we gave it a shot.  Jared and I drove separately with our hospital bags in the car.  After some spicy salsa and enchiladas, Jared and I went to the hospital at about 6:30.  We checked in and requested an epidural.  I was 4 cm dilated.  

We were delighted to see that we had the same night nurse that we had when Clara was born.  She remembered us and remembered that Clara came so fast there was no time for pain relief so she tracked down the anesthesiologist right away.  I got the epidural and felt more comfortable.  

At 9:10, I called my mom to make sure Clara was in bed.  At that time, I was 7 cm dilated.  The doctor was on her way to a scheduled c-section down the hall and she told me to wait until the c-section was over to have the baby thinking that I had some time.  A few minutes later, we called the nurse because I felt that Charlie was on his way.  The nurse confirmed that I was fully dilated and called the doctor.  I pushed for four minutes through two contractions, Charlie was here, and the doctor was out the door to the c-section.  Charlie came out screaming, Jared cut the cord, and we had our little bundle of joy in our arms.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall's Relapse

We had a break from the cool days of fall this weekend.  Temperatures were in the upper 70s and 80s with bright blue skies, and we took full advantage.  On Saturday morning, we picked apples at the local orchard.  Clara enjoyed the free samples.

Then Clara and I went for a hike around the snow-making pond at the end of our road.  Clara threw rocks into the pond and found a new friend.

On Sunday, the whole family took a hike to the local fire tower.  The fire tower is only open on Columbus Day weekend every year.  We did the same hike last year, but Jared carried Clara in the backpack.  This year, Clara hiked the whole trail by herself.  It took at least twice as long, but was well worth it.  Jared and Clara climbed the tower and looked for ducks on the nearby ponds.

Clara's daycare was closed on Monday, so I took the day off and enjoyed some one-on-one time with Clara at the Charmingfare Farm.  We took a tractor ride around the farm and saw some animals including a camel, wolves, bears, goats, cows, horses, skunks, and caribou.  Clara enjoyed feeding all the animals from her bag of grain.  She even went on a pony ride and made some new friends in the bounce house.

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