Friday, November 19, 2010

Indian Head

Last weekend we were blessed with sun, temperatures in the 60s, and no wind.  Since Jared has already reached his deer quota this year, we had to take advantage of the weather (and Jared's spare time) with a great hike.  As Clara gets bigger, our hikes get shorter and easier.  With an extra 30 plus pounds on your back, we look for hikes with the most bang for your buck.  Indian Head has become number one on our short list.  A mere 3.6 miles round trip, but the views were spectacular.  Get ready grandparents, we'll be suggesting this one during your next visit!

Getting there:

We're there:

Where we were:


1 comment:

  1. I didn't see Elsi in the pics. She must have been the one taking the pics - since one is the people!! Love the one with Dad and Clara walking away! So cute. love, Grandma Ward
