Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Charlie Graduated Pre-K

At least he graduated for the first time.  Since Charlie misses the kindergarten cutoff date by three weeks, Charlie will be in pre-k again so he will get to do this all over again next year.

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We Love Camping!

Any chance we get to escape reality for a few days, we take it!  We spent this Memorial Day weekend camping on Squam Lake.  We had gorgeous weather, excellent company, and the fishing was great too.  What more could we need?

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T-Ball 2016

Clara was the star of her t-ball team this year.  She was quite the slugger (even though the last batter always gets a home run).

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Turkey Hunting

This year's turkey hunt was almost successful.  Charlie was so excited to get up before the sun to go hunting that he slept in his hunting clothes.  As we were sitting in the hunting blind watching the sun rise, we heard a lot of gobbling.  Jared got out the turkey call and called in a nice tom turkey from several hundred yards away.  The turkey came within 50 yards of the blind, which is just outside of shooting range, then he wandered back home safely.  So close.  

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