Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Monster Jam

Monster Jam came to Manchester!  Crowd favorites, Grave Digger and Zombie, made appearances and took home lots of trophies.  We also saw Backwards Bob, Lumberjack, Northern Nightmare, and Crushstation.  The trucks did wheelies, jumps, donuts, smashed a car, and most of all made a lot of noise.    


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Monday, May 2, 2016

Spring Break - Part 2

Grandma and Grandpa Carlson came to visit during Clara's Spring Break.  There were stories in the couch fort, the movie theater on a rainy day, and a trip to Great Wolf Lodge with no Mom and Dad allowed!

Great Wolf Lodge had donuts in bed...

A ropes course...



A water park...

And exhausted kids...

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Go Fly a Kite

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Spring Break - Part 1

During the first week in April, we enjoyed a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Ward.  We played checkers, practiced archery, and went for a spring hike before winter arrived again.

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So This Happened...

One day after school, Clara and I were inside the house finishing some homework while Charlie was swinging outside.  I heard a small whimpering noise, looked out the window and saw this.  Clara ran out to untether her brother while I ran to grab my camera.  He wasn't hurt, and we are still laughing at this photo.

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Dinosaur Words

Charlie has been learning about dinosaurs at school and has been practicing his letters by copying dinosaur words that are posted around his classroom.  Without question, his favorite dinosaur is a t-rex.

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Clara was honored in front of the whole school when her teacher chose her as an Ambassador of Kindness.  The description says, "Clara goes out of her way to help her classmates and to give others compliments.  She is always friendly toward others, puts others first, and is an excellent role model."  We couldn't be more proud!

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The 100th Day of School

On February 4, Clara celebrated the 100th day of school.  The students in her first-grade class dressed up as 100-year-old people. We found some great clothes at the thrift shop, Jared made her a cane, and we powdered her hair to complete the look.

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