Saturday, January 31, 2015

Charlie Can Ski

We know that Clara is fearless on the slopes, but we weren't sure about Charlie.  While we were eating breakfast before we took Charlie skiing for the first time, I was explaining how to slow down and stop by making a triangle with your skis.  Charlie responded with, "But, how do you do the jumps?"  I think we're in trouble.

As if there was any doubt, Clara is still fearless and improving her skills.  She starts official lessons with school in February.

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Monday, January 19, 2015

Christmas 2014

We had a wonderful two-week vacation for Christmas.  Here are some of the highlights.

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Clara's Holiday Concert

Now that Clara is a big kindergartner, she participated in the annual Holiday Concert at school.  She did a great job.  I swear I could hear her voice from the back of the school gym.   

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Thankful Thanksgiving

Winter Storm Cato dropped 16-inches of wet snow on Thanksgiving Eve.  We lost power for about 48 hours.  Luckily, I prepped a lot of our Thanksgiving dinner in advance!

While Jared and the kids cleared the snow on Thanksgiving morning...

I rearranged the fridge...

and cooked the rest of our feast on the wood stove...

and the grill...

It was delicious.  We took advantage of the fresh snow and worked off some of our dinner with some backyard sledding.

When the sun went down, we stoked the fire in the wood stove, played card games by headlamp and camped out in our bedroom loft.  

It was a perfect Thanksgiving!  
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