Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Gobble, Gobble!

About three weeks ago (that's three weeks before turkey season opened), Jared asked Clara if she'd like to go turkey hunting with him.  He explained that she would have to get up really early and get ready in the dark.  Clara didn't hesitate to say yes.  She was ready to go.  In fact, she woke up that night at about 2:30 a.m. and said, "Daddy.  Daddy?  Is it time to go turkey hunting?"  Jared laughed, told her to go back to sleep, and assured her he wasn't going to leave without her.  All was quiet until about 4:30 a.m. when Clara woke up again and said, "Daddy?  Don't forget to wake me up to go turkey hunting." 

The next day, Clara couldn't stop talking about turkey hunting so we decided to take her on a scouting mission.  We often see turkeys in the field across the street, so off we went.  We didn't see any turkeys, but Clara was the first to spot a doe at the edge of the field.  

Three weeks later, turkey season is officially open.  The whole family woke up at 4:15 a.m. to sit in a hunting blind in a nearby farmer's field.  Clara jumped out of bed and got dressed right away.  She could hardly contain her excitement.  Charlie took a while longer to get up, and he decided that his bright yellow raincoat would be the best choice for hunting even though it wasn't raining.  Jared brought donuts, blankets, and hot chocolate to keep everyone happy.  We saw a bunch of turkeys, but surprisingly none of the turkeys came close to our noisy hunting blind.  I'd say it was a successful first hunt anyway.  It was 7 a.m. before anyone asked to go home.  Can you guess Charlie's favorite thing about hunting in the woods?  


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