Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween - Take 1

We went trick-or-treating at Concord's Halloween Howl last Friday.  Friday was also pajama day at daycare for Charlie, so Charlie wore his Superman pajamas all day and all night.  Clara made a cute Rapunzel.  Charlie and Clara have a Halloween party at daycare on Halloween, so stay tuned for the next update.

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The Birthday Boy

We celebrated Charlie's second birthday with a construction-themed birthday party.  We made "bricks" out of small boxes covered in red wrapping paper and the kids had a lot of fun building and demolishing brick walls with the wrecking ball.  The roadwork cupcakes were also a big hit!      

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pre-K Soccer

Last weekend, Clara finished her five-week soccer program.  Jared volunteered to coach the six-kid team (for 45 minutes each Saturday morning for five weeks during hunting season!!).  The kids had a great time and actually made a lot of progress.  In a team full of blondes, Clara was #12, the short-haired blonde with pink socks.  Check out the highlights. 

Week 1:   The first week started out a little rocky for Clara.  She wasn't too sure about everything and she didn't know any of her teammates.  Her team photos sum it all up, she wouldn't even stand alone for a picture.

Week 2: Progress?


Week 3: Warm-ups then "Kick the Coach" game



Week 4: Charlie loved being on the soccer field.  He has asked every day since the last game if we are going back to the soccer field.  Clara's team had their first game during week 4.  Clara didn't score a goal, but it looked like she had fun.    


Week 5: They played another game during week 5, and Clara worked hard to score.  If it wasn't for the boundary lines, and if the goal would have been on the sidelines instead of at the end of the field, she would definitely have scored!  Clara made a lot of progress.  She stayed on the field for the entire game and cheered her teammates.  We celebrated the end of soccer with some cupcakes after the game.


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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sharp Shooter

For Clara's birthday, she got a Merida bow and arrow.  Merida is the newest Disney Princess and a master archer.  Clara loved practicing her bow and arrow with Daddy in the backyard.  She was pretty good, but the suction cups didn't stick to the target and the plastic bow was soon bent.  Last week, our good friend, Rob, gave Clara a REAL bow and arrow that his daughter had outgrown.  It's pink and has a draw weight of 15 pounds.  She needs help pulling it back, but she has no problem sticking the arrow now.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

All Aboard!

A couple weeks ago, my parents came to visit so they could babysit while Jared and I went to a wedding.  Before the wedding, I took a day off and we had some fun riding the Hobo Railroad.   

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After a stir crazy weekend of rain last month, we were finally able to get outside and enjoy some excellent puddle jumping!

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Labor Day Camping - Backyard Style!

We camped in our backyard on Saturday night of Labor Day weekend with our very good friends, the Johonnetts.  We ate hot dogs, roasted s'mores, and played on the "structure" until dark.  Charlie was too excited to sleep in the tent, and Jack was too restless, so the boys slept inside with Amy.  But, the rest of us had a peaceful night of fresh air in the tents.

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