Monday, April 29, 2013

The Wedding

A friend from work got married this weekend, and Clara has been talking about going to "the wedding" for weeks.  Last weekend, Clara picked out the perfect hot pink tulle dress with pink shiny shoes.  She couldn't wait to wear them.  Two days before the wedding, she asked me, "Mom, what's the girl's name who is coming to my wedding?"  I asked, "Do you mean the bride?"  Clara responded, "Yes, what's the bride's name that is coming to my wedding?"

It was a little challenging to keep Charlie quiet through the Catholic mass, so he spent some time outside with Jared.  After the ceremony, Clara and Charlie danced the night away.  After dancing with me for a beat or two, Clara said, "Mommy, I want to go dance with some kids."  I responded, "There are some girls right over there, do you want to dance with them?"  Clara, "No, I want to dance with some kids that are boys."  So, she walked over to the table with some older twin boys and asked them to dance.  They were reluctant at first, but couldn't resist the blond in pink.  And so it begins...


I think we need to enroll Clara in some interpretive dance classes.

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We were lucky to have a visit from both Grandmas this month.  First, Grandma Ward spent her Spring Break with us.  Clara and Charlie took turns being spoiled all day during the week.  Then, we spent Saturday at the Boston Aquarium.

A few days after Grandma Ward went home, Grandma Carlson arrived!  Grandma Carlson spent a couple days at the Quilt Show in Manchester and the rest of her time soaking up her grandkids.  We went to a kids' museum, and I even stole a day off work to enjoy the sunshine with a a bike ride and a picnic.  

We had wonderful visits from both Grandmas. 
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