Saturday, March 30, 2013


Clara took advantage of the spring-like weather to dye some Easter eggs.  She did a great job and kept her hands color-free!

The night before the Easter Bunny came, Clara and Charlie hid their Easter baskets.

They were surprised to find them on Easter morning hidden in new locations.  The Easter Bunny brought Clara a new scooter and Charlie a new bike.  

Charlie didn't even take off his helmet to enjoy his Easter Bunny pancakes.  
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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ready for the Olympics?

Clara has made amazing progress on the slopes this year.  She even lapped me on the magic carpet.


I think Charlie will be ready next year.

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt

Clara, Charlie and I joined our good friends, Heather and Charlotte, for an Easter Egg Hunt the weekend before Easter.  Each egg hunter was limited to only ten eggs.  Clara had a hard time deciding which purple and pink eggs to keep.  The face painting, tattoos, games, candy, balloon characters, and friends made a great day.

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Wild Man

The ladies at daycare take pride in their ability to put ponytails in the hair of squirmy toddlers.  Charlie is no exception.  His teacher says he patiently sits and waits while the girls get their hair done until it is his turn.  He thinks he's pretty cool with his trademark ponytail mohawk.  

Charlie also thinks he is a pretty good jumper.  Who says white men can't jump?

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