Thursday, December 13, 2012


It must have been a long, hard day at school.

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Getting into the Holiday Spirit

As has been the tradition since before Clara was born, we celebrated the Season with our dearest friends last weekend.  The girls decorated gingerbread houses and had their fill of candy.  

We continued our festive weekend with a visit to Santa.  Both Clara and Charlie were a little shy, but Clara didn't leave without telling Santa that she wanted a princess watch and some binoculars.  

After visiting Santa, we cut down our Christmas tree.  Clara and Charlie were there too, but wouldn't pose for the picture.  Maybe by the end of next weekend, we'll have our tree decorated.

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Monday, December 3, 2012

The Dentist

Clara had her second visit to the dentist this month.  Her first visit in June didn't go so well.  All the dentist had to do was look in her mouth, count her teeth and check things out.  Clara sat in the chair and screamed the whole time.  So, this time around, I was prepared for the worst.  Amazingly, Clara sat perfectly still with her mouth open the whole time.  The dentist scraped, polished, and flossed without a peep from Clara.  And, no cavities!

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