Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Clara  helped feed Charlie his first taste of solid food this weekend - yummy rice cereal!  I think he really enjoyed it.  He kept diving at the spoon with his mouth half open.

Before he ate, he and Clara played a friendly game of keep-away with one of his toys.  No one can make Charlie laugh like Clara.


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Jeep Ride

On Saturday, Charlie turned six months old.  We celebrated by taking him on his first Jeep ride.   It was a beautiful day, so naturally, the top was down. 

He clearly enjoyed the ride.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Easter Weekend

Grandma and Grandpa Ward were still visiting for Easter weekend.  Uncle Ian flew into Manchester late Thursday night to join Grandpa and Jared in Montreal at Uncle Alex's Bachelor Party. The details of their weekend will not be discussed. All I know is they made it back on Sunday bleary eyed and tight-lipped.

While the boys were away, Grandma, Clara, Charlie, and I dyed Easter eggs on Saturday to get ready for the Easter Bunny. 


Clara used stickers, pipe cleaners, and fuzzy hair to make the eggs look like monsters.


Before bed, Clara hid both her Easter basket and Charlie's Easter basket.  Her first choice of hiding spots wasn't very challenging.

At the last minute, she changed her mind and moved the baskets from the middle of the floor to the wood box.

The Easter Bunny came, found and filled the Easter baskets, and hid them in a new spot.  Clara searched and searched for her basket.

She found it in the shower.

The Easter Bunny brought her lots of goodies, including a new princess dress and shoes, candy, a puzzle, and a book.  I think the princess shoes were the biggest hit.

Then Charlie woke up and Clara helped him search for his Easter basket.

He found it in the Ottoman.  The Easter Bunny brought him some onsies, a book, a puzzle, and some candy.

Grandpa, Jared, and Uncle Ian made it home in time for Easter dinner before Uncle Ian had to fly home.  We had a nice meal, then everyone took a nap.  Except Charlie.  So, Charlie and I had some nice one-on-one time in his bedroom.  It was a great weekend. 
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A Week with Grandma & Grandpa Ward

Grandma and Grandpa Ward came to visit during Grandma's Spring Break.  Grandpa and Jared hiked Mt. Washington the first weekend of their visit.  We all went up to North Conway the day before their hike for lunch and playground time. 

Grandma, Clara, Charlie, and I came home to sleep in our nice warm, soft beds while Jared, Grandpa and the dogs camped in a tent.  We woke up to temperatures in the 20s and frost.  Nonetheless, Jared and Grandpa successfully made it to the summit.  Grandma and Grandpa spent the rest of the week spoiling Clara and Charlie.  They went out to lunch, to open gym at Flipz Gymnastics, and hiked up Pat's Peak.

Clara and Charlie both loved having them around.
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