Thursday, November 17, 2011

What We've Been Doing

Clara goes to daycare two days a week and spends the rest of her time with Charlie and me.  We've tried to keep busy doing some activities just for Clara.  Here's what Clara has been up to these past few weeks.

Spending time at the playground...

Practicing her photography skills...


Hunting (unsuccessfully) for pheasant...

 Wasting some energy at the gymnasics club...

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Halloween - Take 2

Many towns postponed trick-or-treating because of the freak snow storm that knocked out power to many residents.  So, the week after Halloween, we went trick-or-treating for a second time with Clara's friend, Anna.  Clara was excited to dress up as Tinkerbell again and hang out with Rapunzel.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Two Weeks

Charlie is 18 days old today, but who's counting.  He had his first doctor's appointment yesterday morning.  He weighed nine pounds and measured 21-3/8 inches, which means he gained one pound and seven ounces and grew 3/8 of an inch since we left the hospital.  He's a pretty good sleeper and we're all thankful!


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Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Clara had a costume parade at daycare yesterday.  All the little ones were so cute in their costumes.  Clara was the perfect Tinkerbell. 

Charlie was a pumpkin wearing the pumpkin hat from the hospital with an orange shirt and green pants.  He slept through the parade and trick-or-treating. 

After the daycare party, we went trick-or-treating with our neighbors.  Jared and I thought Clara might last a couple houses and we'd be off the hook, but once she realized what trick-or-treating was all about, we were in for the long haul.  Clara was running from house to house.  It took all we had to keep up with her.  

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Let it Snow!

Last Saturday, we got our first taste of winter.  A freak storm made its way up the east coast and dumped about 20 inches of snow at our house.  We lost power for about three hours on Saturday night, but many in New Hampshire are still without power.  We made the most of it and had some fun playing in the powder on Sunday.

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