Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Clara's New Talents

The other day, Clara was enjoying her snack on the stool in the kitchen.  Out of the blue, she did this...

I think she learned it from her dad.

On Friday, we went to Concord Market Days, the local Main Street summer festival.  Clara  showed up some teenage girls with her hula hoop skills.

She definitely keeps us entertained!

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A New Adventure

On Saturday, Clara and I went to a small amusement park with our friends, Amy and Anna.  The park has a bunch of kiddie rides that received rave reviews from Anna during her previous visit.  So, we thought we'd try it out.  The first ride was airplanes!  Clara and Anna shared a plane that went around in circles.  They were all smiles and laughter when they sat down.

Then the ride started moving... Clara started crying and screaming.  The ride continued and Clara wasn't happy about it.  

Finally, the torture was over, and the ride stopped.  Anna, on the other hand, had a great time and was ready for more!  We took a short break for lunch, and Clara decided she wanted to try the boats.  Needless to say, we had the same result.  Happy and excited, ringing the bell until it started moving. 

On this ride, the operator didn't put up with any of Clara's antics.  He promptly stopped the ride and announced, "Whose daughter is that?"  Clara was thankful the ride was over and watched Anna from outside the fence.  

Before we left, we went to Castaway Island to check out the water slides.  Clara was too little for the slides, but she had fun in the pool.  We splashed and played "Ring around the Rosie."  It was a good end to the day!
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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Camping on the Fourth of July

We spent last weekend at a remote campsite on May Pond at Pillsbury State Park in Washington, New Hampshire with Clara's best friend, Anna, and her parents, Amy and Jay.  The campsite was only accessible by boat, which gave us some privacy and a noise buffer.  Clara and Anna had a blast exploring the area.  We saw fern gardens, fairy houses, lots of bugs, and even some dog poop!

In the evenings, we ate wonderful meals, had enlightening conversations by the fire, roasted marshmallows, and went on boat rides.

On Saturday, the girls went to the beach while the boys stayed and fished.  Clara and Anna loved the silly swing at the playground and the sand at the beach.

We love our friends and can't wait to do it again!

Wow, that's a lot of love!!
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