Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

Clara and I had a wonderful Easter weekend.  Poor Jared was sick on the couch the whole weekend, not so great for him.  On Saturday, we decorated Easter eggs.  Clara's hands turned different shades of green and blue to match the eggs.  She came up with some interesting colored eggs after dipping each egg in each color dye.  

Before bed, Clara hid her Easter basket for the Easter Bunny.  She chose a very tricky hiding spot.

In the morning, Clara discovered that the Easter Bunny hid her Easter basket in a different spot.

She looked and looked for her Easter basket.

Found it!

Oh, there's more

After a few trips around the kitchen in her new bike, Clara put her Easter dress on and we went to visit our good friends, Amy, Jay, and their daughter, Anna.  Despite the look on Clara's face in the next picture, she was really excited to visit her friend, Anna.  She was just disappointed Mommy was taking so long.   

Clara and Anna enjoyed an Easter egg hunt in Amy and Jay's backyard.  Clara definitely has an eye for Easter eggs.  She spotted them from across the yard!  She filled up her own basket then moved on to Anna's.  

Finally, all the eggs were found.  Clara and Anna took turns driving the Cozy Coupe and strolling in the wagon.

Phew, what a weekend!  Clara fell asleep on the way home, slept for an hour and a half, then went to bed an hour later.  She was worn out, but had so much fun!
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

October 26

Most of you already know, but for those of you that haven't heard, the next Ward baby is scheduled to arrive around October 26.  Yes, I know, just in time for hunting season.  I swear Jared was in on the deal from the start!

Clara adores the babies at her daycare, so I'm sure she will be a great big sister.  She can't decide whether she wants a brother or a sister.  The other day she told me she wants two sisters.  That's clearly not going to happen this time around (phew!).
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Monday, April 4, 2011

A Weekend with the Grandparents

Grandma and Grandpa Ward came to visit for the week, and they started spoiling Clara immediately.  So far, Clara is the only girl on the Ward side, so I guess I should have seen this coming:

She started twirling around like a ballerina as soon as she put it on!  After we took off the tutu, Grandpa read Clara a bedtime story on Friday night.

Then Saturday morning, right after some chocolate chip pancakes (note the chocolate drool), Grandma gave Clara her first taste of cotton candy.  Surprisingly, she didn't eat the whole container.

Clara is home with Grandma and Grandpa this week.  We might have a few bad habits to break next week!
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