Friday, October 29, 2010

Toe Jam

When I took Clara's socks off the other day to get her ready for bed, she discovered that little black fuzzies had been living between her toes all day.  She began her investigation, pulled out the fuzzies, and said "yuck!"

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's Punka Time!

Clara has really become quite the talker these past few weeks.  Her expanded vocabulary now includes the word "punka," which in adult language means pumpkin.  We carved our pumpkins this weekend, and Clara was excited to help.

She chose her face design from a couple options I drew on a separate paper, then I carved her pumpkin to match her choice.  She was mostly fascinated with the guts and removable top of the pumpkin.  She even tasted a sample.

I think this year's pumpkins are definitely the best so far.  Here are the family pumpkins.  Jared's is on the bottom, mine in the middle, and Clara's on top:

    Jared really went above and beyond his normal pumpkin carving standards by creating a pumpkin snowman and a green Spartan pumpkin.

They look great displayed on our new porch, which still needs a coat of stain, but you get the idea.

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The New Range

I finally got a new range to replace the old one that came with the house.  I'm sure it was the original range, and our house was built in 1980.  The old range had four burners: one worked well, two never got hot enough to boil water, and one didn't work at all.  The new range has five burners: one rapid boil dual burner (9" / 6"), one dual burner (12" / 9"), two 6" burners, and a warming zone!  The old range didn't have a window in the plain electric oven.  The new range has a window, a light, convection, steam cleaning, three oven racks, and probably a lot more features I haven't discovered yet!  Needless to say, I love it.  

It was delivered last week, but doesn't sit flush to the wall because the receptacle sticks out too much.  So, Jared was trying to figure out how to change the plug configuration so it can move back to the wall.  Clara was more than willing to help!  They were both on the floor with a flashlight!

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Clara's First Haircut

As you can tell from previous posts, Clara's hair has been out of control lately.  Maybe it's my grandmother's voice echoing in my head, but I can't stand her hair in her eyes.  I've tried to keep it tied back in a ponytail, but during Clara's thumb sucking and hair twirling habit, the ponytail usually comes loose, or Clara just yanks it out with a clump of hair.  So, yesterday, Clara got her first haircut.  She did a great job sitting still.  She held on to the spray bottle and a comb while Lisa did her magic.  When she was done, she willingly helped clean up.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pumpkin Festival

Grandma and Grandpa Carlson came to visit for the week.  Clara was excited to see them.  She helped Dad and Grandpa split some logs on Saturday.  Then we all went to the Keene Pumpkin Festival Saturday night.  There were over 22,000 pumpkins carved and glowing!  We also stayed for the fireworks!

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

'Tis the Season

Clara's hair is crazy anyway, but with the dry air, it went wild on Sunday.

The Henniker Fire Tower is open on Columbus Day weekend each year, so the whole family hiked up to check out the views.  It was a beautiful day.  Clara collected acorns on the way up the trial.

After the fire tower, we picked more apples!  Clara loves apples and pointed out each one on the tree.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Weekend Chores

This weekend we actually got some things accomplished.  I worked on refinishing Clara's new toy box, and Clara (and Elsi) helped Jared mow the lawn.  

We took a break from the chores to watch Michigan State crush the Heisman hopes for U of M.  

Then Clara helped Jared build a fire in the fireplace to take the chill off.  She's a great helper.


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Monday, October 4, 2010

The Fair and a Pumpkin Patch

We went to another fair this weekend in Deerfield, New Hampshire.  The animal petting area wasn't as accessible as the one at the other fair.  But, Clara did find some sheep she liked.

On Sunday, we visited the pumpkin patch.  We went on a hay ride around the farm.  Then we took a wagon to the pumpkin patch to pick our own pumpkins.  It was a great fall weekend.

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