Monday, August 30, 2010

Getting Ready for Game Day

As all of the Spartans out there know, Spartan football starts soon.  Clara has been getting excited for the new season.  Go Green!

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A Hot Day at the Water Park

It was in the 90s on Sunday, so Clara and I went to check out the water park.  At first, Clara wasn't too sure about the squirting water.  Then she loved it.  I got a nice wet hug after every lap through the sprinkler.  

The "I'm so excited" dance...

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Monday, August 23, 2010

A Day at the Lake

We spent Saturday at our friends' house on Lake Winnipesaukee.  Clara loved playing on the stairs to the water.

We also took a boat ride.  Clara wasn't too excited when she had to wear her life jacket.  She can't reach her mouth to suck her thumb because the life jacket is in the way and that's frustrating, but she managed to fall asleep on the boat anyway.

It was a beautiful day!

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Saturday Morning Chores

It's great to have help (even if she gets a little frustrated)!

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The New Porch

Jared has been working on building a new porch off the front door for the past few weekends.  Last weekend, he got some help from Clara.

Spilling then picking up nails...

Playing with the drill...

Ohhh, blocks!

It works!

The next step is to bring in some fill so we can landscape and add stairs to the porch.  We will also add a railing.  Nice job, Jared!
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Thursday, August 12, 2010


Clara was playing on the kitchen counter last night (well supervised of course), trying to fit everything from the veggie and fruit bowl into the toaster.  She picked up a nice ripe plum tomato and took a big bite.  Mmmmm.  She finished off most of the tomato just like an apple! 

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sweet Summer Corn!

Clara and I shared some corn on the cob yesterday.  She wasn't too sure at first...

After her first bite, she loved it, and I thought I'd better get my hand out of the way!!
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Monday, August 9, 2010

Fun at the Playground

Clara and I spent Sunday afternoon at the playground with some friends.  Clara loved the slides and was even brave enough to go down all by herself.  We had ice cream then a nice nap when we got home.  What a great summer day!  

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Visit from Grandma and Grandpa

We had a wonderful visit from Grandma and Grandpa Ward last week.  While Grandpa was hiking the 100-Mile Wilderness in Maine, Grandma spent the week with Clara.  Clara had a blast with the sprinkers, sidewalk chalk, water table, trips to the farmer's market, and a day at the farm.  The baby goats at the farm were her favorite.  She gave them lots of kisses!

Grandpa finished his 100-mile hike and arrived home a day early - just in time for our planned hike up Mt. Willard.  Luckily, Mt. Willard is a mere three miles round trip, which was nothing compared to his two previous 19-mile days.  

  We made it to the top and were rewarded with a fabulous view of Crawford Notch.  Clara enjoyed the hike from her view on Daddy's back.  She even fell asleep on the way down.
Our house is quiet and empty now that everyone left.  We really appreciated the extra helping hands last week!  Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa.
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